I'm in a Band by Joe Ellis by Joe Ellis

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Yeah, I know I've missed the past couple days; I'm sorry guys, but for now, I'm in a Band is on hold, I just don't have the time. =(. School will be starting in about two weeks, there's cross country, I'm in a band myself, it all takes up a lot of time, something had to go. This comic isn't retired, though, it'll be back, one day, when I have more time, probably after CC season. =P. Thanks for reading, I'll be back.

Thursday, August 3, 2000 - Today is a special jumbo size, and its dedicated to all you regular day readers because... hey, I need more! ;)

Monday, July 31, 2000 - My bad! Today's comic's last line should say "Hi! I'm Rick!", not "Hi! I'm Greg!" I'm always mixing names up, fly ;-).

Thursday, July 27, 2000 - Now you can link to us with our new banner! (I don't know why I always say "us" and "we", its really just me. =P) Anyhow, to celebrate, tomarrow's comic will include STRAIGHT LINES! That's right! So don't miss it! Tell all your friends!

Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - The mighty Keenspace gods have granted me a forum! Go visit it, please! Post something! Tell me what you think! Hey, I went to Kennywood yesterday, it was a lot of fun! =).

I'm in a Band is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.